Christian Poetry
Poems by Gerald Bergeron

Gerald writes: "I am a published author wishing to see many souls come into the loving grace of our Savior. I am married and have four wonderful Christian children who love Jesus. We are truly blessed. Praise God."

Tears in His Eyes
By Gerald Bergeron

I beheld the hand of wickedness and its envy scarred my soul.
To see the world in such a terrible way, and watch it continue to grow.
The lies all came in a different language, that only evil could comprehend.
Still when they spoke of who was at fault, the truth they were quick to bend.

I thought why do the people who continue to do evil always seem to get ahead.
Then a voice that sounded like thunder spoke “their not living but walking dead.”
They may seem to you to have everything, and it may seem like they are so alive within.
But the truth is they are empty and their spirit is dead with sin.

Then an image of their judgment came, there were many before God’s throne.
All these souls stood bewildered, they were shameful and so alone.
One by one, they all came before Him, and each time it was the same.
As Jesus opened His book of life, He just could not find their name.

While I stood there waiting for Him to accuse them, I was so shocked and so surprised.
As I saw the expression of a broken heart and Jesus had tears in His eyes.
I just could not believe the pain He was feeling, it was clearly not His desire.
To see even one of these people He created, be condemned to the lake of fire.

As I watched each one pass into eternity, I felt hurt and so filthy inside.
I tried to be strong as I watched this judgment, but my pain I just could not hide.
There was a time these people were winners, but now they are eternally lost.
Sin had promised them many things, yet in the end look, what it cost.

So I realized what I would have to do, when evil would seem to get its way.
I would remind myself of the torment awaiting them, when they come to this judgment day.
Then if it seems like they are getting ahead and my anger again starts to rise,
I will think of my Savior's broken heart, and the tears that are in His eyes.

(© 2011 Gerald Bergeron – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Feed My Sheep
By Gerald Bergeron

Just loving my Lord Jesus, and reminding others how much He loves them. Remember, as the poem states, no one is perfect except Him. God bless.

I turned to face the Savior, His glimpse it caught my eye.
Oh, Lord I could never deny You, that is impossible I would rather die.
But at that very moment when my words began to part,
The rooster crowed and He looked at me, His stare it broke my heart.

I fled that place in agony; did I really deny my Lord?
Did my words betray His trust in me; it sliced me like a sword.
As I stood there weeping I could see no hope, and it hurt from deep within.
For down inside my pitiful soul, I cried please forgive my sin.

The days went by and the hurting stayed, could I ever face my King?
Then as I came to the empty tomb, my spirit began to sing.
The Lord had promised He would return, and I prayed He would forgive my past.
My mourning then was turned to joy, when I saw the Lord at last.

He said do you love Me Simon, and my tears began to fall.
I said Lord you know I love You, my Lord You know it all.
Then as Jesus finished speaking, I turned and saw Him smile.
Right then I knew He had forgiven me, even though I failed my trial.

Then He said I love you, now go, and feed My sheep.
I felt His love inside my soul, a feeling that was so sweet.
Then the Lord breathed on all of us, and we knew it would be all right.
We watched as He was lifted up, and taken from our sight.

We understood what He was telling us, that one day we would join Him too.
So always, remember that no one is perfect, for Peter just could have been you.

(© 2011 Gerald Bergeron – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)

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