YOUR Prayer Requests

Do you need prayer

If you do, please send us your prayer requests through the form below and we will place them on this page. We at will be praying for answers to your prayers.

"But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you. O Israel, the one who formed you says, Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name; you are mine. When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you....Do not be afraid, for I am with you....Let us review the situation together, and you can present your case to prove your innocence." (Isaiah 43:1-2, 5, 26)

What are these scriptures saying? They're saying that we are to remind God of His promises about prayer. When we pray, we are to stand before the throne of God and remind Him of His promises. Lay your case legally before God and plead it as a lawyer. A lawyer repeatedly brings up law with trustworthy examples. We need to bring up God's Word and bring up His covenant promises. God is asking us to remind Him of His promises and to plead our covenant rights. This is a challenge from God. Bring your case before Him with scripture. Be very specific in your requests. Find scriptures that definitely promise you the things you need. When you come to God according to His Word, His Word doesn't fail. When you pray to God know that your prayers have to be answered.

Also, keep in mind that you have the authority over the devil and his demons. That's what Jesus Christ did for us at the cross. He gave us back our authority and power over the enemy. Plead the Blood of Jesus over yourself and your family for protection, for deliverance, for salvation, for healing. Go to Plead the Blood to read on how to apply the Blood of Jesus to your situations. And, remember to put on the Armor of God daily. Go to Armor of God and Spiritual Warfare Prayers to learn more about how God has given us ways of protecting ourselves from attacks of the enemy and also ways of fighting back. Apply them to your life daily.

Please pray for the Christians being persecuted and murdered in the Middle East and around the world. Also pray for the people in countries that are at war and in great turmoil.

Please pray for people who have been affected by natural disasters around the world. Please pray for our Lord's protection, provision and His peace over them.

Please pray for our world leaders - so they may make Godly decisions.

Please pray for our countries to be protected against terrorism.

Please pray that this website and others like it will touch more lives and bring more souls into the Kingdom.

And please pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and for the protection of ISRAEL and its leaders from attacks by all those who want to destroy God's chosen people.

("I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Genesis 12:3 NIV)

We ask that everyone who needs prayer also pray for those prayer needs listed here. This way we will have a large community; thousands of God’s people praying for each other around the world. God tells us to love one another. I believe praying for each other is one way of doing that. Thank you so much for praying.

God Answers Prayer

Be encouraged for God does answer prayer!

Dear Friends, I just wanted to share my own Praise Report! My daughter, Melanie, had a tumor in her right kidney. The doctor told her it was probably cancerous. At the time she was in a lot of pain and couldn't hold down any food. We just learned from the Pathology Report that the tumor was benign and my daughter is CANCER-FREE! God answered our prayers! Prayers from this website, as well as from churches, and from our family and friends went up to heaven. My husband and I declared and decreed that Melanie would be healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ, and that is exactly what happened! So, keep praying, keep believing and continue to have faith that God will answer your prayers!

MT sent us a prayer request and within the week God had answered her prayer. Here is what she wrote: "I lost a large sum of money which was cash from my son's disability check in a parking lot today that was needed for bills, etc. I don't have any money right now *crying* and I need prayer for comfort and that God will meet our needs and return the money to us. For with God all things are possible."

And here is her Praise Report! "THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS! I HAVE A PRAISE REPORT cuz God has answered! Even though I didn't get the money back, God opened the windows of heaven and replenished the money I lost and more. Exactly one week to the day, God gave me more money from a source that I didn't expect but deserved. My son who is autistic is calmer also. He is being weaned off of medication that just made him worse. Continue to keep us in your prayers. Your Sister in Christ, MT."

Praise Reports

Lorraine from United States writes: "About six weeks ago I started getting sudden sharp pains on the middle and right side of my chest.  The pains were sharp but short and maybe three or four each day.  The sharp pains started lasting longer and were more frequent as the weeks went by.  I was getting very worried but was afraid to go to urgent care so I kept praying and tried to relax and take deep breaths after each incident.  It got to the point where the pain was sharper, longer duration and more frequent each day and night.  Then my right breast became very painful and sore and even felt like I had lumps on the edges.  Last week I was watching the 700 Club and Gordon Robertson was praying.  He said for those with pain to put one hand on the area that was painful and to raise the other hand, claim our healing and thank the Lord for our healing.  I did that and immediately the pain on my chest was gone, the soreness and lumps were gone and Praise God I have not had that pain anymore.  Hallelujah! God healed me that day."

Matilde from United States Praise Report: I was doing hemodialysis at home for 1 1/2 year. Suddenly, I received a call from the Hospital that they have a kidney for me. I got a kidney transplant on February 8, of this year. Also, my oldest son was delivered from alcohol and pills. I am very grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for His miracles in our lives. Thank you for your prayers brothers and sisters. God Bless you all.

Kimberly from United States Praise Report "Kimberly asked for prayer for her friend's father who had had a heart attack and was very ill in the hospital. After placing the prayer request here, Kimberly reported a few days later that her friend's father was recovering and being released from hospital. Prayer is a powerful tool we have to fight against the attacks of the enemy, the devil. Thank you for your prayers."

Toni from United States Praise Report "Praise God, glory hallelujah - I have a Praise Report. My son Jaelyn has been incarcerated in a special alternative incarceration boot camp for 90 days - he sent a letter about 10 days ago stating he needed me to pray real hard because he had gotten in trouble and might be kicked out and sent to prison for failing. I did not read the entire letter to avoid knowing the circumstances of what happened. Once I read, "please pray hard, I might get kicked out," I started praying, and then started praising, on God's Word not my son's actions. Glory to God not even a week later I got a letter from my son yesterday stating he is not being kicked out, and then I got a call today from his probation officer stating not only did he not get kicked out, but I can pick him up at the bus station tomorrow after graduation. He'll do 30 days in Tricap instead of the 90 days sentence to jail after boot camp. Praise God, thank you Lord!"

Robin from United States Praise Report "PRAISE REPORT! My 15 yr old son Gabe has been taken off the ventilator! He is breathing on his own! Glory be to God! However, he is still in the hospital, a lot of healing and recovery! Thank you all for your prayers, this is a miracle that ONLY GOD CAN DO!"

Elaine from United States Praise Report "The same day I asked for prayer on behalf of my son and asked that he be blessed with a job, the Lord answered. He is now employed in a more manageable job, good co-workers, less stress and reasonable hours. Thank you Lord for your quick answer and thank you brothers and sisters for your prayers. God bless you all."

Mirabel from South Africa Praise Report "I want to express my appreciation for what God always does in the financial life of my partner through the financial breakthrough prayer. My partner runs a construction business and normally supposed to get paid 30 days after completion of supplies. However most clients won't pay even after 120 days. In 2014, he informed me of this challenge and I started browsing the net for financial breakthrough prayers. I happen to open the site and prayed the financial breakthrough prayer. The next day, the company paid him all outstanding amounts. Praise be to God. The financial breakthrough prayer works very swiftly."

Luis from Portugal Praise Report "I just want to give thanks to God and the people who prayed for me. I did several medical tests, of which I was a bit afraid and all the results were good. Praise the Lord. God bless you all."

Elaine from ??? Praise Report "Praise God! I have been requesting prayer for intercession and asking that God would help me keep my home from being foreclosed. Today, I stopped by the attorney's office and was reassured that the bank cannot take my home. I thank God and I thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for your prayers on my behalf. God heard us...may He richly bless all of you."

Samuel from Ghana Praise Report "Dear believers, I thank God for listening to my prayers. I got some of the investment money and I believe everything will be fine. Our God is a miraculous God, and this platform is a prayer working platform. I'm still trusting in the Lord for the rest and my health issues, which I see as God using it to direct my path to his ways. I pray for boldness and the power to overcome fear. I know I am "HEALED" and having all the monies in JESUS name! AMEN!"

Dianne from United States Praise Report "God has blessed me with my own place. Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you Prayer Warriors! Please continue to pray for me regarding other needs. Thank you for your prayers. Spiritual warfare is real!"

Sherene from United Kingdom Praise Report "PRAISE REPORT! I recently wrote in to ask my brothers and sisters in Christ to agree with me in prayer for a PERMANENT job as I had been out of work for 5 weeks. Well, The Lord has blessed me with a TEMPORARY job (HALLELUJAH), which will keep me up to date with my current bills in the mean-time. That being said I know that my permanent job is on the way and I will have another amazing testimony to update you all with. Thank you for all your prayers, thank you Father God and thank you to the owner of the site for blessing us with this website. God bless."

Darlene from United States Praise Report "Thank God for this website. I requested prayer for the restoration of my marriage. My husband separated from me on 4/27/15, our 11th anniversary would be May 28, 2015 and I was expecting to be alone. I often go to this website to pray the prayers and decided to submit my prayer request on 4/28/15. Within that week I had a peace of mind, strength and faith that all is well. Two weeks later he was home, a different man, full of repentance to God. I give thanks to God and all those who stood in agreement with me."

Suzanne from United States Praise Report "Praise God, my daughter came back home!"

Doris from United States Praise Report "This is a praise report. My home was auctioned, the new owner allowed me life-time rights, including 3,700 dollars."

Hannah from Netherlands Praise Report "I asked for prayer for my special friend from Spain who was missing. No one knew where he was or how to find him and I was really worried about him. I asked for prayer for my friend to be found. Today he called me and he's doing all right! I am so blessed, God answered my prayers!

Sunny from India Praise Report "Thank you all for your prayers. I requested prayer for me and my wife's illness. By all your prayers I am healed, which doctors cannot diagnose. Thanks once again."

Jan from United States Praise Report "This is a praise report! Right after I posted my prayer request I had a job within one week. God is truly awesome in the way he pours out his favor and blessings. I was contact by a recruiter, she had an open position and described it over the phone. She wanted to submit my resume. I said that was fine and didn't think too much about the job. Within a day, She contacted me as the company wanted to schedule a phone interview. I had the phone interview and was waiting to move to the next process of interviewing in person. The next day the recruited called me and said that I was hired and could I start before the end of the week. I started the job which is a great fit but for the first time in my life I am surrounded by several Christians at this company! God does truly bless those who live their lives for him. I love the job and have been hired in a temporary position. I am praying they will offer me a full-time position. Who in this day and age hires someone without meeting them first? Only God Almighty could orchestrate this. I am so thankful because I was totally out of money. Praise the Lord! This website is truly a blessing. I will be back to donate when I start making an income."

Dianne from United States Praise Report "Thank God for you and this website. Thank you for your prayers. I have a PRAISE REPORT! I was praying for my finances for September rent. The Lord blessed ME! So I won't be on the streets! HALLELUJAH! THANK YOU JESUS!"

Rebecca from United States Praise Report "Powerful prayer! Thank you for this website. My teen daughter and I made the declarations out loud! The healing that manifested in her (right before my eyes) was beautiful and priceless. May God richly bless you 1000 times more than you have blessed me!"

Lynn from United States Praise Report "Thanks and praise be to God for answering our prayers for my son, David. He is beginning to heal from a serious injury after being in much pain for 11 months. Thank you all for your prayers. I am praying for all of you too.

Tony from India Praise Report "God has answered my prayer request for an extended stay in India to be with my wife...Praise the Lord!"

Please send us your Praise Reports once the Lord has answered your prayers. We will post them here so that others may be blessed, encouraged and comforted. Our God is a loving Father who wants only the best for His children.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4:6-7)

Nevertheless, listen to my prayer and my plea, O Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is making to you. (2 Chronicles 6:19)

Remember, no matter what the circumstances may look like, don't allow the devil to put FEAR into you. Declare the following:

I resist you
in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Jesus mighty name,
I refuse to fear;
I refuse to be afraid.

It is written in God's Holy Word
that He has not given me
the spirit of fear;
But of power,
and of love,
and of a sound mind.

I no longer have the spirit of fear.
I have the spirit of love.
I have the spirit of power.
I have the spirit of a sound mind.

Thank you for sending us your prayer requests. May God bless you and show you His favor upon every area of your life.


Stephanie from Canada writes: "My husband was arrested for domestic assault.  I have forgiven him and I am devastated and emotionally distressed that he is not here beside me. I want to restore our marriage. Please pray for my husband to come back home free. I know he is not an evil man and I still want to spend the rest of my life with him."

Please pray for Stephanie and her husband, for his salvation, and the restoration of their marriage in Jesus' name.

Natasha from South Africa writes: "Please please pray that God has mercy on me and help me. Please also pray that God sends me a husband."

Please pray for Natasha and the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Grvoje from Croatia writes: "Please pray for Snjezaba Mardesic.  She is bleeding too much.  Please pray that Jesus saves her, and her health in general. God bless her, protect her, and provide for her in His mighty name I pray."

Please pray for Grvoje and please pray Snjezaba Mardesic, for complete and total healing in Jesus' name.

Portia from South Africa writes: "Please pray for the Lord to provide a place for Jewaan and His sister Zulpha to live in Mitchell's Plain."

Please pray for the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Eero from Finland writes: "We have Christmas celebration for inner-city people on 12.16.24. Please pray that they be saved and become free. And that all goes well."

Please pray for salvations from this Christmas celebration in Jesus' name.

Lillian from Zimbabwe writes: "Please pray for my health. I have inflammation and swelling in my feet and legs and disks out of place in my neck and lower back pressing against my spine and causing pain. As a result of this l am homebound and cannot do much. I am 53 years."

Please pray for complete and total healing for Lillian in Jesus' name.  Jesus Christ still heals today.  

Elijah from United States writes: "Please pray for me and Lynwood from Edgefield, USA, asking for prayers for protection against witchcraft and lack of money.  I've had to deal with witchcraft since childhood.  Please pray for health and financial issues for myself and Lynwood."

Please pray for Elijah and the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Caroline from New Zealand writes: "We are still in a very bad spiritual situation right now. We are all still getting a lot of spiritual attacks and disturbances in our spiritual lives. My mum’s, both of her hands and fingers are covered with red, itchy rashes. As for my son, he is still playing up a lot in the home where he is living in. As for me, I am very shaky, anxious and very stressed out for no reason at all. The Muslim guy keeps attacking us. Please continue to pray against him and reverse every evil demonic arrows that he has targeted towards us and return everything back to him and his entire family. Thank you for all your prayers and God bless."

Please pray for God's protection against all demonic attacks against Caroline and her family.  Greater is God within us than the devil that's in the world.  We have authority over the power of enemy, Luke 10:19.

Brian from Kenya writes: "Please help me pray for my marriage that has been broken forever 2 months now. I love my wife Maria so much but I feel the evil has altered our marriage and my heart is not at peace. We don't talk anymore, have been so many efforts to fix our issues but have gone futile. Please remember me that the Jesus in heaven can intercede on my behalf to redeem my marriage. We already lost two kids through miscarriage and I hope God in heaven can redeem us and heal our wounds. Thank You and Amen."

Please pray for complete restoration of Brian's marriage and that God will bless this couple with a beautiful baby, in Jesus' name.

Gadron from United States writes: "Prayer for Jus. not to try to commit suicide, with Joy instead. & for ministers GS, JE, DA, C, to have a contrite spirit and a broken heart; Rev 2:7 to overcome & eat from Tree of life; Romans 6:11 to be dead to sin. Relying on God's indignation & giving up all anger. Walking in love toward everyone with regeneration. A job from God for JE. DJ to be grateful."

Please pray for Gadron and needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Pirfa from Nigeria writes: "I really need your prayers concerning the payment of our 6 months arrears/money that have not been paid to our accounts. please pray that the Nigerian government will pay us. Thank you."

Please pray for Pirfa and the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Mainy from India writes: "In the name of the Father, the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit, I am asking for prayer for a restoration and reconciliation of my broken relationship with Kiran, and it lead to Godly marriage, amen."

Please pray, if it is God's Will, for Mainy and the prayer request listed above in Jesus' name.

Kate from ??? writes: "Please pray for healing of women's issues and healing of the cause of pain. Thank you very much for any prayers."

Please pray for complete and total healing for Kate in Jesus' name.

Mandy from United States writes: "Please pray for complete restoration of my marriage and protection from spiritual warfare. That my husband would only have a sexual desire for me and that all perversion and desires for his mistress would be crucified."

Please pray for the salvation of Mandy's husband and for their marriage to be restored and blessed by God in Jesus' name.

Rasika from Sri Lanka writes: "My husband Romesh emigrated to Australia by boat in 2012. He returned to his home country Sri Lanka in 2018. There is a legal issue that he will not be allowed to migrate back to Australia. I request you to pray that I get a good lawyer and be allowed to migrate back to Australia."

Please pray for Rasika and Romesh, if it is God's will, to return to Australia in Jesus' name.

Michelle from Australia writes: "Please would you pray for me. I have had so much spiritual warfare on my life. Multiple breakups, men come from church wanting to marry me and then suddenly they start wanting to be physical or go and cheat on me. They come and ask me out, never have I ever asked a man out. And I fast and pray before even giving an opportunity to go out with someone because by now I am so burned and scared.  I don't know what family demon I am battling but I am exhausted with this cycle and heartbroken. Please pray for me to be free and move into the marriage God truly has for me because He did promise me this through multiple prophesies and different Pastors."

Please pray for Michelle, that these demonic attacks stop now in the name of Jesus Christ and for her to find the man of God that our Lord wants her to have in Jesus' name.

Tan from Thailand writes: "I really need spiritual couple restoration quadruple hundredfold. I really need real, true, authentic, total, complete, and full forgiveness from the bottom of their heart from him and her, all of them, and my nemeses. I need forgiveness from Lung Pho too.  I really need to stop the medicine. I need brain healing, double and sevenfold. I need severe and life restoration. Thank you, God bless."

Please pray for Tan and the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Peter from United Kingdom writes: "Please pray for me and my family that Elohim shall destroy all evil witchcraft and evil enemies and bring all round restoration and breakthroughs and blessings and miracles and deliverance to me and my family, a suitable life partner, and from all curses coming against my family."

Please pray for Peter and the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Anita from Singapore writes: "Please pray for every controlling spirit and bondage which the enemy has used against my dad's heart and mind for disallowing me to embark on my overseas trip and every bad attitude towards the family to loose him completely right now in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Believing and trusting God for supernatural breakthrough and the desire of my heart to come true for me in every area of my life (being able to embark on my overseas trip despite the strong opposition from my narcissist dad, the desire of having a life partner, desire of owning a house, family/friends relationships, health, career and finances)."

Please pray for Anita and the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Tyra from Singapore writes: "Please pray for healing for mum's uti and insomnia.  Please pray that it is nothing serious. Please, also pray that her platelet is back to normal and healthy level. Thanks so much."

Please pray for Tyra's Mom for total and complete healing in Jesus' name.

Kavita from Mauritius writes: "I usually feel fear especially when I speak with others. I cannot communicate with others because fear usually grips my throat and I am not able to speak well. My heart starts beating so fast while I am speaking. I have to put many efforts to speak. When I speak, my voice starts trembling. Sometimes others do not understand what I am saying and it is really a very bad experience. It is really heartbreaking for me. I feel that someone is stopping me and blocking me from speaking. Recently I apply for the University of Polytechnics Mauritius Limited and by the Grace of the LORD, I have been selected to attend but fear keeps attacking me. Please brothers and sisters, pray for me so that I can be delivered from fear when I have to speak, when I have to talk with others, when I have to communicate with others and when I have to do a class presentation. Thank you. God bless you all."

Please pray for Kavita, and in the name of Jesus Christ we bind the spirit of fear so that Kavita may speak without fear and will communicate easily with others.                                     '

Jerry from United States writes: "Please pray for my beloved wife Lucy - in remission 18 months from stage 4 gastric cancer - we fear it has returned. I love her & can't go on without her. Your continuing/ongoing prayers are needed. WE NEED A MIRACLE! Lord hear our prayer."

Please pray for total and complete healing for Lucy in Jesus' name.  Our God still heals today and He is the God of miracles.  

Joseph from Kenya writes: "Praise be to God. Please pray for healing of my daughter Teresia who's now hospitalized. She's suffering from acute kidney failure. Pray for my financial breakthrough. Also pray for my family."

Please pray for total and complete healing for Teresia and the needs listed above in Jesus' name.

Yakov from United States writes:"Please pray for Joshua.  He is 14 yrs old, a believer and has Eosinophilic gastritis.  (EoG) is a rare disease of the stomach. In EoG, a type of white blood cell, called the eosinophil, gathers in large numbers in the stomach. He just went to the doctor and he has bleeding in his stomach.  Thank you for your prayers. Also, please pray for Anaida and her family for restoration. They are believers but her children are rebelling against her authority. Thank you."

Please pray for total and complete healing for Joshua.  Our heavenly Father still heals today.  And also, please pray for Anaida and her family in Jesus' name.

Angela from United States writes: "My daughter has type 1 diabetes and it is out of control. She is at the hospital diagnosed with congestive heart failure, hypertension, and DKA. Testing for blood clots in her legs. She is only 38 years-ld. I know these are lies from the devil and I believe I serve a Mighty God who still performs miracles."

Please pray for complete and total healing for Angela's daughter in Jesus' name. Our heavenly Father is still the God who heals today. 

Bryce from United States writes: "I am a struggling addict and have been since the age of 12. I have never tried to get clean up until 2 years ago; I wanted it for myself.  I have completed several rehab programs but I have relapsed again and I'm now living in my car.  I don't know what to do. I just want to get better and I want to be a productive member of society and be the father to my children I know I can be."

Please pray for Byrce to be delivered from drug addiction, for God to give him the strength to stay clean and for Father God to find him a safe place to live in Jesus' name. Read Psalm 34 and be encouraged.

Louise from United States writes: "I’ve been praying with all my heart that Jesus would deliver our granddaughter, Malina, from her addiction to alcohol.  She is very angry about the fact that she is a victim of severe abuse from her boyfriend, which she continues to see him and it goes on. She’s lost her job and is not working.  I’ve not heard from Jesus and I am wondering if I ever will.  My heart is broken."

Even when God is silent He is still working in people's lives.  Please pray for Malina to be delivered from alcoholism, her abusive boyfriend and pray for her salvation in Jesus' name.

To send us your prayer requests, please fill out the form below.

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