Christian Poetry
Poems by Herman K. Pouokam

Herman writes: "I'm a Christian from Cameroon. I'm the coordinator of an evangelical ministry using poetry as a means to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We write and print Christian poems that we distribute wherever we are. I also work at a local NGO as a psychologist treating trauma affected urban refugees. I'm married and the Lord has blessed me with two wonderful daughters, and we are eagerly waiting for our third baby. Thanks for this opportunity you have given me to share with the world the great love I have for Jesus. May you be blessed in His name. Amen."

Feel The Way I Do

By Herman K. Pouokam

I love Him
I want you to know
How much I love my Savior
For Him alone I want to live

And I'm ready to die
For His glory
And even this is not enough
To express how deep is my love

For Him who has loved me
So much that He gave His Life
The best He had
On my behalf

Do you understand?
Who can ever understand?
God made Himself flesh
Accepted the most abject humiliation

Death on the cross
Just for me?
This is unbelievable!
And it is true

Jesus lives in my heart
And day after day I rejoice
Because of my salvation
And my joy keeps growing

As I keep discovering
How far reaching is His grace
In my life
I'm blessed and I want you

To be blessed as well
Though you may not understand
Call on His name
Today, now

And you'll see what it means
To feel the way I do
In love with Jesus
With all my heart

(© 2011 Herman K. Pouokam – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Before The Close Of This Day

By Herman K. Pouokam

At the start of this day
I have decided
To live for Jesus
I have chosen

To give thanks to my Redeemer
Because of His love
His immense goodness toward me
Today I'm willing

To offer Him my body
As a living sacrifice
All for the glory of His name
He deserve my worship

And I'll praise Him
From a pure heart
I'll bless Him
With my whole being

And I'll tell of His wondrous works
To my brothers and sisters
Those I'll meet on my way
I can't keep them to myself alone

I just can't
The joy my Savior has given me
Is way too great
I just can't conceal it

Today I'll rejoice
In the name of my Lord
Before Him I'll come
Overflowing with thanksgivings

And many will see and know
That my God reigns indeed
Before the close of this day

(© 2011 Herman K. Pouokam – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)


Come And Let Us Rejoice

By Herman K. Pouokam

All is accomplished
The Word says it
And it's true
God can't lie

I'm free
Life is before me
Everlasting life is my heritage
Christ has gained it for me

Peace and joy
Forever and ever mine
To my Savior I'll give thanks
Day and night I'll celebrate my King

He's worthy to be praised
And I'm blessed
To know Him as I do
The God whose love for me

Will never end
And I want you to know
He loves you too
For you too Jesus has died

His blood has cleansed you
From all your sins
Believe this good news
And come with me

Let's celebrate together
The finished work
That has been done for us
Come and let us rejoice

Together before our Redeemer

(© 2011 Herman K. Pouokam – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)

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