Christian Short Stories

Katherine writes: "I'm a middle-aged Christian woman who delights writing past experiences in short stories or poems."

Yield To God
By Katherine Payne Ostrom

Could God love me? Difficult financial burdens had blinded my spiritual insight. Bitterly, I began questioning his sincerity by reliving my past asking, 'Why?' Surprisingly, God revealed much needed answers at a local church meeting.

“Tonight is your night.“  The Lord spoke through Harper's Holy Spirit to witness to you about finances. 

Forget the past. You have planted a new seed, and am a new creature. You have a new beginning.

Forgive yourself. You are not guilty; and others who hurt you are not guilty. God forgives them as he forgives you. Only forgive yourself.

Tithe--with what little money you possess. Give that ten percent to the Lord.

Give up your stubbornness. Humble yourself. God is first in your life. Consult him in all matters.

Commune with God. Pray to him about other people’s needs. Read the word of God (the Bible) daily.

Let go of your selfishness. It only hinders the Holy Spirit to work through you.

I emphasis let go, and trust the Lord entirely. Lean not unto through your own understanding.

The Lord gave you wisdom and strength to fight your life's hardships. However, the seed has been planted for you to release your shell of protection. Allow God to manifest the Holy Spirit to work in your life. It cannot work if you do not humble yourself in your personal life.

I repeat give up. Give up that shell of 'I don't give a damn attitude'. Give up your prideful nature, and stubbornness. Yield to God completely. Again I say, 'Yield to God completely.' 

(© 2015 Katherine Payne Ostrom – All rights reserved. Written material may not be duplicated without permission.)

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